Monday, October 29, 2012

The Rainbow Bridge ~

I write this entry as a short information note because I think you all deserve to know what is going on and why it's been so quiet these weeks.
In the midst of serious school stress, on-off colds that made me skip too many classes, relationship issues coming up and winter depressions (who doesn't know them?) in the last few weeks;  two days ago our beloved Princess Coco decided to walk The Rainbow Bridge.

It was a traffic accident and I wasn't even on the spot when it happened and found out 2 hours later.
It has been only 2 days and we are still in shock and unable to completely grasp the situation even though sometimes I feel a burst of sadness and guilt of conscience overcoming me. As soon as I recover from the shock a bit I will write a longer entry about her. Right now I only can let time pass. -_-

Poem from my mother:

Per Coco

Col primo giorno di neve, te ne sei andata…
Forse la morte non è nera,
ma bianca come te, e ti ha chiamata.

Volevi correr dietro qualche fiocco lieve
Volevi giocare ancora, con la neve?

Povera  Coco, sempre inquieta, agitata
sicuramente,  di lá, ti sei trovata
con altri spitzer bianchi o arcobaleno
con cui giocare sempre, a cuor sereno

Buon viaggio, cara, indimenticabile  Coco
ci rivedremo fra poco.