Friday, December 13, 2013

Choo Choo Diary Giveaway ~

 Yup, it's time for the yearly planner giveaway on

Today is Friday 13th and I thought we could turn this (supposedly) unlucky day into a lucky one. So two lucky winners will take home a white or black Choo Choo mini diary for 2014. Will you be one of the two lucky winners? ~ 

As always, Jetoy's Choo Choo design is heart meltingly cute. Which one of the two stole your heart? 

 The giveaway is international, just follow the rules and participate!

This giveaway is open until Friday 20th so although you won't receive your new favorite diary for Christmas you will surely receive it perfectly in time for 2014. 
Remember to choose 1 out of the 2 and feel free to take any of my graphics (although I recommend the last one) for your own blog promotion.
You can choose: Either blog about this giveaway, or share on Facebook (through our FB fanpage) or share on instagram. Of course you can do all three, I'd be super grateful, but it doesn't increase your chance of winning. =P

Thank you! m(._.)mアリガト

Feel free to ask if you have any questions about this giveaway. ^^ Also, if  Choo Choo isn't your thing (what??? you don't like cute cats? o_o'' ) then you might fall in love with my next article where I'll introduce some other cute Korean planners for 2014. Feel free to use this graphic when posting about the giveaway on your own blog and remember to let me know in the comment section  whether you shared on FB, instagram or through your blog. I'll check all the entries( ^ _ ^)∠☆

 Good luck!